Currently viewing: Modeling

Integrated Technology Research Roadmap

This research roadmap is focused on conducting research using existing and state-of-the-art building components and systems in an integrated fashion.


Demonstration of Modeling Methodology for In-duct Air and Cooling Coil UVGI Components and Systems

This document demonstrates the modeling methodology for in-duct air and cooling coil ultraviolet germicidal irradiation components and systems for application to Building 661.


Opportunities for Streamlining Multizone Airflow and Contaminant Model Development

This report provides background information on the multizone model development process, gives background information on the inputs necessary for CONTAM model creation, and identifies opportunities to streamline the model development process.


Simulation of Airflow in Building 661

This report describes the variety of AEC CAD applications that exist to create drawings for new and existing construction projects.


Whole Building Control System Design and Evaluation: Simulation-Based Assessment

This report investigates an integrated approach to building controls that strive to achieve and maintain energy efficiency and high performance building environments.


Uncertainty Quantification Tool Documentation

The overall project goal is to prototype and evaluate a systematic methodology and easily accessible tools for performing rapid uncertainty quantication, sensitivity analysis, and parameter investigations within an integrated deep retrot design process, leveraging accessible and aordable high performance computing and cloud infrastructure.


Simulation-Based Parametric Analysis Part III: Optimization of Building Enclosure for Minimizing Life Cycle Costs

In this study, minimization of life cycle costs for building materials and operational energy consumption of a reference office building is achieved through numeric optimization of some key envelope design parameters by the use of combined simulation and optimization techniques.


Simulation-Based Parametric Analysis Part II: Multi-Variate Exhaustive Evaluation of Enclosure Measures for Building 661

This study is the second phase of simulation-based parametric analysis conducted on Building 661 case.


Simulation-Based Parametric Analysis Part I: One-Factor-at-a-Time (OAT) Evaluation of Enclosure Measures for Building 661

This study is focused on simulation-based parametric evaluation of building enclosure measures that can be taken during the retrofit of Building 661 case.


Evaluation of the Prevalent Building Energy and CFD Simulation Tools in the Building Industry

The exercise seeks to identify, study and evaluate existing energy simulation software in the construction industry that are suitable for the early stages of architectural design, i.e., during the conceptual or early schematic design phases.


Programs for Design Analysis Support and Simulation Integration

This report discusses and explains the suite of programs developed to facilitate analysis and interpretation of EnergyPlus simulation outputs for design decision support purposes.


Development of a Web-Based Survey Platform for the Evaluation of Building Performance Simulation Tools

The online web-based simulation tool survey covering energy, lighting and CFD simulation is intended to gather pertinent information for evaluating the current usage, strengths, and weaknesses and provide recommendations on the best available Energy, CFD, and Lighting simulation tools in industry.


Daylighting Simulations: Effects of Daylight Controls on Electric Lighting Energy Consumption Building 661-Case

This study is focused on simulation-based performance assessment of a number of electric lighting system design scenarios aiming to get energy savings with increased system efficiency coupled to daylight-linked controls while preserving visual comfort conditions for indoor spaces.


Analysis of EnergyPlus-Based Building Envelope Modeling

This report provides a detailed analysis is conducted on the process of developing building envelope components within EnergyPlus environment with the aim of identifying required input data and the design correlates for opaque and transparent assemblies. Alternative envelope model definition methods are discussed and explained through schemas developed to reveal relationships (hierarchies) between EnergyPlus classes and objects pertaining to a specific definition method.


Specication of reduced-order dynamic models and associated weather processing tools in order to provide a library of component models for control system simulation

This report investigates developing sky radiative models for the Modelica systems programming language and compare those results to sky radiative models used in current simulation tools such as TRNSYS and Matlab. TRNSYS and Matlab softwares are commercially available, and have been used extensively to implement sky radiative algorithms linked with component-based building simulations and control implementations. While the softwares do require nancial investments to access the simulation tools,the highly modular components are adaptable to new modeling improvements that emerge in the literature.