Policy and Market Macro Modeling: Mid-Sized Offices in the GPIC Region


Publication Title: Policy and Market Macro Modeling: Mid-Sized Offices in the GPIC Region

Consortium Member(s): United Technologies Research Center (UTRC)

Project Contact: CBEI

Date: January 01, 2012

A key objective of GPIC is to design more impactful policies that will affect the market uptake of energy efficient solutions that conform to the overall goal of the GPIC Hub. As such, a macromodeling effort was undertaken to analyze and forecast the regional impact of policies and programs that might be put forward by GPIC’s Policy, Market, and Behavior (PMB) and crosstask researchers. A Policy and Market Macro-Modeling collaborative working group was formed under PMB to create analytical methods and tools to quantify the effects of policies on the adoption of energy conservation measures in commercial buildings. This report describes the methodology developed by the Policy and Market Macro-Modeling working group.