The presentations, news, research summaries, reports, and technology overviews are collected here by focus area and represent the body of work developed by the CBEI partners during the 5-year project period. For additional information on market challenges, approach, and impacts, see each focus area overview.
Mandatory commercial building rating and disclosure policies, which require the energy performance of buildings to be measured and disclosed, have the potential to transform the real estate sector. These policies could drive demand for and investment in strategies and technologies that reduce energy use in buildings.
Implementing a deep energy retrofit, to achieve a 40 to 50% building level efficiency improvement, on a small to medium sized building is not financially viable as a single project. Therefore, creating an energy asset management plan that manages “deep energy retrofit triggers” over time is very important to consider.
The Asset Score Tool (AST) is a quick and easy way to determine the overall energy efficiency of your building's physical characteristics and corresponding energy consumption independent of occupant behavior.
The energy use in commercial buildings is not constant. It changes with the seasons, from year to year, as tenants come and go, and with changes to building components. Building science researchers know that the energy performance of commercial buildings declines over time – different parts of the system start to age and building occupants invariably alter the “optimal” settings.