Brief: Architects, Engineers, Construction Managers Platform


Publication Date: August 6, 2012

“The architects, engineers, and members of the construction community that gathered for the May 1&2 Platform kickoffs shared ideas which pointed towards the inherent chasm between design intent and design outcomes. This set of building professionals are traditionally engaged during discreet phases over the course of the longer retrofit design, delivery, and operations process of a building, and they acknowledged that integration among them is central to achieving energy goals. These professionals highlighted how the installed performance or operational performance of a building is often under the control parties not involved in the design process and how this is a priority for change. This and similar issues were prioritized by this Platform. Additionally, this group discussed the importance of providing resources in the form of first expenditures to this community to enable a high-performance and well-conceived retrofit result: curtailing resources up front will lead to reduced quality during construction and operations. Lastly, service providers focused on the limitations they confront with the tools available to them to predict energy performance; the two main priorities in this vein are to create faster and more reliable predictive tools.”

Consortium Member(s): The Pennsylvania State University

Project contact: CBEI

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