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Building 661 Integrated Design Process Report

CBEI performed a major retrofit of their headquarters. This report provides early lessons learned from the integrated design process.


CBEI Successfully Prototypes Low-Cost Virtual Sensors for Fault Detection and Diagnostics

A CBEI team of researchers led by Jim Braun of Purdue University has successfully implemented the use of virtual sensors within a low-cost microprocessor.


Virtual Sensing Automation, Demonstration, and Assessment

A virtual sensor system (compatible with the VOLTTRON platform) has been designed and an initial
prototype has been tested.


Integrated wall retrofit solutions for existing masonry construction for commercial buildings

The session, conducted by Covestro LLC and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, aims at identifying best practice recommendation for energy-efficient, cost-effective retrofit solutions for the interior of existing masonry wall system for commercial buildings. The target market identified is climate zone 4 & 5.


Building 661, Philadelphia, PA: Environmental Quality Report

As a member of the Subtask 5.4 Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) assessment team, the Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics (CBPD) at Carnegie Mellon University conducted a Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) for Building 661 in Navy Yard, Philadelphia, PA, on July 10th, 2015.


Research Finding: Standardized Wall Retrofit System

Energy efficiency in existing buildings is most often addressed by upgrading outdated lighting equipment and adding efficient equipment to the heating and cooling systems because of low risk and short financial payback.


Continuous Efficiency Improvement

The energy use in commercial buildings is not constant. It changes with the seasons, from year to year, as tenants come and go, and with changes to building components. Building science researchers know that the energy performance of commercial buildings declines over time – different parts of the system start to age and building occupants invariably alter the “optimal” settings.


Simulation Platform


Integrated Design: Advanced Energy Retrofit Roadmaps


Brochure for Designs of B661 and B7R


The Immersive Construction Laboratory


Integrated Design Roadmaps for AER


Showcasing Energy Efficiency Products


Engagement Platforms


Energy Retrofit Market Opportunities