Publication Date: July 11, 2012
The EEB Hub has engaged PECO- the largest electric and natural gas utility in Pennsylvania – and other utilities in discussions on who to facilitate building owner access to their building energy use data. A series of meetings was initiated with PECO to discuss their willingness to provide automatic downloads of portfolio manager data to building owners. Currently, building owners have to transfer their monthly utility bills into the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s free portfolio manager software in order to understand how their buildings are using energy. Some utilities have begun transferring this data directly for building owners and providing them with more frequent data so that they can more closely track how their buildings perform, which greatly helps inform any potential energy efficiency or retrofit investment. PECO became much more responsive to the request from the EEB Hub after they learned the Hub would convene state utility regulators from the Mid-Atlantic region to discuss common protocols for data access and transparency for building owners.
Consortium Member(s): The Pennsylvania State University
Project contact: CBEI