Currently viewing: Building Operation

Technology Roadmap Report: Sensor Window Glazing System

Reviewed in the Benchmarking Report which describes both the principles behind window glazing performance, and applications in the industry.


State of the Art in Enclosure Technologies and Integrated Systems for 50% Energy Savings in Existing Commercial Buildings

This report is the first generation profile of the available and cost-effective technologies and integrated systems that provide measurable energy savings for existing commercial buildings.


Simulation-Based Parametric Analysis Part II: Multi-Variate Exhaustive Evaluation of Enclosure Measures for Building 661

This study is the second phase of simulation-based parametric analysis conducted on Building 661 case.


Evaluation of the Prevalent Building Energy and CFD Simulation Tools in the Building Industry

The exercise seeks to identify, study and evaluate existing energy simulation software in the construction industry that are suitable for the early stages of architectural design, i.e., during the conceptual or early schematic design phases.


Energy Efficiency and Occupant Behavior

This research on energy efficiency and occupant behavior in multi-tenanted buildings provides valuable insights into the challenges that confront the goal of achieving a 50% energy reduction in commercial buildings in the Greater Philadelphia region by 2014.


Integrated Technologies Year One Report

The purpose of this Integrated Technology Research Roadmap is to support the transformation of commercial / institutional / multi-family building energy efficiency retrofits by providing robust field-verified models and scalable, tested, integrated technology solutions to existing GPIC building stock. Furthermore, the goal of this Roadmap is to demonstrate, in the Philadelphia region, operational energy savings of 50 percent in the 2013-2020 timeframe in a scalable manner across a broad range of building types, while providing good indoor environment.


GPIC R&D Scan Summary Report

The purpose of this document is to describe the technical investigation performed by the IBM team regarding the pros and cons of the BIMserver (Open source Building Information Modelserver or BiMserver, aka in the context of the requirements of the GPIC BIM/BEM (Building Information Modeling/ Building Energy Modeling) Server and Data Hub. BIMserver is a joint effort by Netherlands organization for applied scientific research (TNO), Technical University Eindhoven, VTT (Finland), CSIRO (Australia), AEC3 (Germany, Great Britain), Initiatiefgroep Open, Standaarden (Netherlands), and a growing group of others.


Brief: Building Construction Technology Extension Program

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) awarded $455,000 to the Energy Efficient Buildings Hub (EEB Hub) and several of its members to train building operators in the commercial, industrial and educational sectors so that they can more efficiently and economically operate their facilities. The award helps boost the EEB Hub’s objective to inform, train and educate people about proven energy-saving strategies and technologies towards the goal of reducing energy use in the Greater Philadelphia commercial building sector by 20 percent by 2020.


Buidling 661 Annual Daylight Performance Modeling Studies

This report contains some general findings of a series of daylight models that was conducted for Building 661 with its existing fenestration systems and with a few small modifications that were made to these systems.


Implications of Electricity Demand Response Experiment Structures for Commercial Customers

To avoid unnecessary investments in transmission and generation resources, a good solution is to apply Demand Response programs to reduce the demand for electricity at peak hours, when generating electricity is more costly. Customers do not see how the electricity prices change on the real-time market, since most of them pay a flat rate based on the average price of electricity, therefore Demand Response programs can offer incentives to consumers to reduce their usage at peak hours, through rebates or as a response to higher electricity prices.


Performance Modeling of Daylight Integrated Photosensor Controlled Lighting Systems

Enhancements to the open-source Daysim daylight analysis software that permit users to model a photosensor control system as it will perform in a real space, considering the directional sensitivity of the photosensor, its mounting position, the space and daylight aperture geometry, window shading configuration; the electric lighting equipment and control zones; exterior obstructions; and site weather conditions.